Pycocotools intall Error in PyCharm [SOLVED]

Koray Efe Yağmur
1 min readAug 17, 2021


Hello dear ML/DL engineer !

If you see some problem like this, you should be a junior. Because ı took an error like this in the beginning of my ML/DL career. So what is the solution ?

Generally there are so many solution on the internet. For example

  1. install anaconda
  2. try pip3
  3. pycocotools-win or pycocotools-windows or another things

non-of them working. You have to downgrade your version of python!

I was using 3.9 version of Python because ı was thinking like “ Last version every time giving perfect performance but this idea not working every time.

What was my solution ?

I downgrade my version to 3.7 version of Python and use this code on the terminal or may you can install pycocotools from interpreter window;

  1. open terminal
  2. write that if you are using Windows;
    pip install pycocotools-windows

And pycocotools downloaded for Windows! Than you can continue your work on ML/DL.



Koray Efe Yağmur

Im a Robotic and Mechanical Engineer. I will write some codes about robotics and share them with you. Just follow me!